Tuesday, January 10, 2023

The Zone RPG

For the first solo RPG in 2023 I selected The Zone, game inspired by Stalker and similar fiction, that was successfully kickstarted in 2022. You can try the game for free through web app available here: https://play.thezonerpg.com/

I played prototype playtest copy; final version will have better art.


In this session, I used 3 characters.

Ernest Hadingway – writer obsessed with pleasures of flesh

Albert Edinstain – scientist obsessed with being first to reach discovery and

Gilbert Oliver Dumas – politician obsessed with power over other people.

During the session, politician mutated receiving the voice with which he could force into obedience all other members of the expedition.

Writer saw a beautiful naked woman in the window of the mansion, entered the building and the doors closed behind him. He was never seen again.

Scientist mutated into tree man, and finally took root in the back yard of university building in the zone where he will spend eternity gaining knowledge.

And so, politician, as the last survivor, entered the center of the zone and earned the right to ask Zone for fulfilment of one wish.

He asked to rule the world.

The Zone granted him his wish, but he will not role the world he came from.

Gilbert Oliver Dumas found himself in the nothingness. He had no body, there was just his commanding voice floating in void. And so, the creature that used to be a man with initial G.O.D. said: Let there be light….



This was a great session.

I can’t recommend this game enough. It can create really great stories, within one hour session. 5 stars product.