Click on the tables to enlarge them.
Behavior models
· Charge – Move one movement allowance towards closest unengaged enemy. If movement gets model in base to base contact with the enemy, model will use remaining successes to attack. Use power attack whenever possible. If no unengaged enemy in sight or within 2 long, model will Join combat.
· Charge infantry – Move one movement allowance towards closest unengaged enemy infantry soldier in the open. If movement gets model in base to base contact with the enemy, model will use remaining successes to attack. Use power attack whenever possible. Mounted won’t charge infantry soldiers hidden in rough terrain. No model will charge enemy defending obstacle, on higher ground or with better weapon. If no unengaged enemy infantry soldier in sight or within 2 long, model will Join combat.
· Join combat - move one movement allowance towards nearest combat. If movement gets model in base to base contact with the enemy, model will use remaining successes to attack. Use power attack whenever possible. When charge is impossible, model will move.
· Shoot – shoot at closest enemy. Models without Marksman ability that find themselves in the open and within one medium from unengaged enemy with Marksman special rule will charge Marksman instead.
· Aim shot – shoot at closes enemy using aimed shoot. Models without Marksman ability that find themselves in the open and within one medium from unengaged enemy with Marksman special rule will charge Marksman instead.
· Reload – reload unloaded firearm. Models without Marksman ability that find themselves in the open and within one medium from unengaged enemy with Marksman special rule will charge Marksman instead.
· Move – change position in order to get closer to enemy model in the open, join skirmishing group or come into command zone of the officer/NCO or base to base contact with nearest friendly model.
Let’s say that in one corner of the table there is a British light dragoon confronted against two French line voltigeurs, who positioned themselves at the inner edge of the forest. Dragoon rolls 3 successes with Q dices and 2 with C dices, getting charge infantry result. He will not charge soldiers in the forest, considering this to be suicide. So, he lowers his result to move and heads one long towards the center of the table, in the direction of the closest enemy infantry model in the open, his officer/NCO/flag bearer or the closest friendly model.
· Move to cover - change position in order end turn in cover, to get bonus pips against enemy shooting and charges. Model in the open that is not a valid shooting target for any enemy model (either by being further away than other friendly model in the open, or as a result of all enemy models having unloaded weapons) counts as being in cover as long as it is further then 2 medium from closes enemy infantry and 2 long from closest enemy cavalry model. This model might find itself on the open at the beginning of next activation!
Models already in cover that can reach different cover closer to action will do so. Other models in cover will stay in place.
If there is no cover within 2 medium, models will move directly away from closest enemy model or enemy group.
I owe gratitude to Ricardo Nakamura for time spent on playtesting of these rules.
Looks like a very interesting set of rules. Quite impressive.