As this is introductory race, chariots will be racing just one circle around the forest. If you want to bet on your favorite chariot, look for the dwarf with the blue helmet!
And the chariots are off!
Another surprise at the second place. Red Scarab team moved ahead of their Prince who started at disappointing third place!
At the end, as expected we have Grey Lions team. Lions can not mach horses with speed, but they are famous brawler team, so we might expect them to get close and personal later in the race.
At the back, Lions are trying to whip Scarabs, but they miss! Lions just lost their whip and stayed at last place! There is very little chance for them to move forward now!
But look at that! Scarabs are trying to save the honor of Undead! They have just passed Prince and are attacking Shadows! Bold move, but there is no time! Shadows are first, Scarabs second, Prince third and Lions at the rear.
Not winning but finishing in front of Prince is not a good news for Scarabs. It is expected that they will be punished with at least century or two in some remote tomb, so I do not think we will see them racing again any time soon....
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