Friday, December 10, 2021

Apawthecaria - preview edition

There are two upcoming solo journaling games I am really excited about.
One is Secrets of the Vibrant Isle, and second is Apawthecaria.

As Apawthecaria has a free preview, I decided to check it out.

I did half of the first journey, and then decided to stop, first because I discovered I am using wrong strategy of rushing ahead without preparing, and second because preview is limited to small part of the final content and one should really wait for a finished product.

My opinion at the end is very positive. This will always be an indie game (at the end it only collected some 8000 euro on kickstarter, not enough for serious run, playtesters and proofreaders) so some things will be left for player to houserule, but what designers did with this limited resources seems very impressive if judged by preview files.

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